UCL Ground Truth Optical Flow Dataset v1.2

Below are 20 synthetically generated optical flow sequences. For each sequence, frame one of the intensity image is on the left and a rendering of the ground truth flow field is on the right (with the same color coding as the Middlebury Optical Flow dataset [1]). By hovering your mouse over the input image you can seen frame two of the input. The caption for each sequence displays the sequence name, the camera motion, the object motion, scene texture, level of motion.

The whole dataset can be downloaded here.

009_Crates1 , up-right , none , low , large ,

010_Crates2 , up-left , none , low , large ,

017_Robot , up-right , none , high , large ,

018_Sponza1 , up , none , low , large ,

019_Sponza2 , up , none , low , large ,

022_Crates1Htxtr2 , up-right , none , high , large ,

024_Crates2Htxtr1 , up-left , none , high , large ,

026_Brickbox1t1 , left , none , high , large ,

029_Brickbox2t2 , right , none , high , large ,

030_GrassSky0 , left , none , high , large ,

039_GrassSky9 , left , none , high , medium ,

049_TxtRMovement , left , none , medium , medium ,

050_TxtLMovement , right , none , medium , medium ,

051_blow1Txtr1 , none , falling , high , medium ,

088_blow19Txtr2 , none , falling , high , medium ,

089_drop1Txtr1 , none , falling , high , medium ,

106_drop9Txtr2 , none , falling , high , large ,

107_roll1Txtr1 , none , roll , high , small ,

124_roll9Txtr2 , none , roll , high , small ,

125_street1Txtr1 , right , falling , high , large ,

[1] Baker et al., "A database and evaluation methodology for optical flow", IJCV 2011