==================================================================================== ==== Deep Blending for Free-Viewpoint Image-Based Rendering - Dataset Release ==== ==== Peter Hedman, Julien Philip, True Price, ==== ==== Jan-Michael Frahm, George Drettakis and Gabriel Brostow ==== ==== SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 ==== ==================================================================================== The datasets have been split in two: 1) Reconstruction inputs & outputs. These zip files contain everything related to 3D reconstruction. You will find the input images, COLMAP reconstruction (SfM & MVS), the global textured mesh from RealityCapture, and our refined depth maps. 2) IBR inputs & outputs. These zip files contain everything needed to render the scene in IBR. You will find a slimmed down SfM reconstruction of the scene (to make things fit in memory), the global textured mesh from RealityCapture, our per-view meshes, and an the camera poses + our rendered results for an test camera path. ===================================== == Reconstruction Inputs & Outputs == ===================================== Folder structure: colmap/ This folder contains the input SfM & MVS reconstruction, computed by COLMAP 3. You can load and inspect this data with COLMAP (https://colmap.github.io/). input_images/ The (distorted) input images used to reconstruct this scene. In scenes from other datasets, we do not include the input images, but instead provide a link where you can download them in input_images.txt. realitycapture/ The textured, global mesh computed by the commercial RealityCapture tool (https://www.capturingreality.com). This folder contains both an obj file (with textures) and a ply file (with only vertex colors). Both meshes can be inspected using meshlab (http://www.meshlab.net/). refined_depth_maps/ Our refined depth maps, stored in the COLMAP .bin format. These can be loaded and inspected using COLMAP (https://colmap.github.io/). Although, you will need to replace the depthmaps in colmap/stereo/depth_maps with these bin files to display them with the COLMAP UI. Alternatively, you can load these bin files using this function: https://github.com/colmap/colmap/blob/dev/src/mvs/mat.h#L157 ========================== == IBR Inputs & Outputs == ========================== Folder structure: global_mesh_with_texture/ The textured, global mesh computed by the commercial RealityCapture tool (https://www.capturingreality.com). This folder contains both an obj file (with textures) and a ply file (with only vertex colors). Both meshes can be inspected using meshlab (http://www.meshlab.net/). input_camera_poses_as_nvm/ The input cameras used for rendering and their corresponding camera poses. Note that we use fewer cameras for rendering to make sure that the IBR scene fits within memory. We use the NVM file format, which can be read by VisualSFM (http://ccwu.me/vsfm/). per_input_view_meshes/ Our refined, per-input view meshes that we use for rendering. These are stored in world-space and align with the global textured mesh. These meshes are stored in the PLY file format, which can be loaded and displayed by meshlab (http://www.meshlab.net/). test_camera_paths_with_output_images/ The test camera path used for the results in the paper. This folder also contains result images for this path computed with our deep blending network. We store this in the Bundler file format (https://www.cs.cornell.edu/~snavely/bundler/bundler-v0.4-manual.html#S6), which can be loaded and displayed by meshlab (http://www.meshlab.net/).